Happiness a Daily Decision
Happiness a Daily Decision
Course Description
Enjoy the beautiful journey of discovering the happiness the already exists in your life. This course helps open your eyes and see that you hav so much to be happy about, even if you don’t see it right now.
Transform your Life with Happiness
The purpose is that once you complete the course you feel happier with your life, your surroundings, yourself and happens around you. You realize that you have so much to be happy about
Key Elements of the Course:
- See happiness in daily life
- Discover what truly makes you happy
- Change your point of view
- Train yourself to be happy
Happiness, be happy daily, find happiness within
Course Duration:
6 weeks
Dynamics of the Course
Weekly sessions of about 1 hour of learning and sharing experiences, and daily exercises to create happy habits.
Course Includes:
- Audiobook
- Digital or paper journal,
- Ebook or printed book,
- On demand course videos,
- Support group,
Access Options
$75 Lifetime to this course or membership to access ALL courses from $3 – $25 a month
Start Now
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