In this chaotic, confusing and complex world where mental health is a problem that is dealt with in silence, it is something that does not differentiate between rich or poor, famous or unknown, age, race … Poverty of love, self-esteem, enthusiasm, just as loneliness, sadness, discouragement, hopelessness, are almost invisible poverties, they are little obvious poverties and perhaps for that reason difficult to detect, identify. Sometimes there is no cry for help, the poverty is so great that they cannot ask for help. That is the poverty that I would like to eliminate through God and faith in Him.
If in your organization they help to improve people’s mental health. I would like to know a little more about the foundation (institution, organization) to see if we can work together in this fight for mental health. Help people to live happier, calm in peace, in joy, with purpose, knowing their real value.